Here to Seduce you into a whole new reality
Truth teller, activator, liberator, lover, change maker, creatrix, dark goddess, witch, warrior goddess, sacred rebel, revolutionary. I cannot be put in a box, and neither can you.

I am Poppy
I am here to support you in your death and rebirth process as you heal and alchemize your deepest pain into your greatest power, pleasure and purpose. This is what truly turns me on and gets me dripping wet.
My vision is a world where men and women have a shameless and deeply loving relationship with their own bodies and sexuality, and revere their sexual energy as holy & sacred.
One where we are embodied in truth, devoted to love, tapped into our erotic intelligence and allow our inner animal to be fully expressed. Where we are living turned on orgasmic lives. Harnessing and channeling the most potent energy we have available to us, our sexual energy, and serving up our unique medicine and magick to the world from this frequency.
Liberated in love, I bring years of experience and a wisdom base that provides next level resources to the clients I am devoted to serving. However, my sexual sovereignty, feminine radiance, vitality and embodiment have not come without a massive cost. I’ve spent years going through the dark night of the soul, and then rose from the ashes to liberate myself from an extremely toxic, codependent and abusive marriage. I spent over half my life in the modeling industry where I was taught from a young age that my external beauty equated to validation and love. Out of this came an obsessive compulsion to control food and a severe eating disorder. It also resulted in outsourcing my worth to men, using sex, drugs and alcohol as a way to numb my pain and fill myself up with anything other than my own self love. I dealt with life long anxiety, off and on depression and was even suicidal at times.
I was disconnected from my body’s innate wisdom and intuition for over half my life, living in fear, victimhood, and disempowerment. I had no idea what it even meant to hold my sexuality as sacred, which is why I often used it from a wounded place to manipulate and gain a false sense of power and “love”. I had multiple affairs during my marriage, trying to escape the pain and disconnection I felt from myself and God. I felt so trapped, lost and alone.
Through my deep work with plant medicines and a variety of other somatic and holistic modalities, I was finally able to overcome the depths of my addiction, heal childhood trauma, limiting beliefs, release shame, forgive myself and others, and most importantly learn how to fiercely love and believe in myself. I became my own shaman, guru, and hero to heal my significant health challenges.
During a profound Ayahuasca ceremony I met my wild warrior goddess within. I then cut my hair and changed my name, and started to step into my true power. I reclaimed my sexuality as sacred and tapped into the creatrix codes of my womb and pussy. And guess what? The whole fuckin game changed!!!
This is now my life’s work. As a devotee to the Priestess path I help men and women learn how to truly love themselves and develop an unshakable sense of self worth, reclaim their erotic primal power, and remember who the fuck they are. I am here to support New Earth leaders in co-creating their most juicy, magical, orgasmic lives and attune to their soul’s blueprint so they can serve and lead from the highest frequency available to them. Is this you?!!

The Wild Women
"Until recently, a woman who celebrated her sensuality was shamed as a “whore” which is in fact derived from the ancient word “hor” meaning “womb,” the most sacred and powerful organ in our body that incarnates, gestates, and births a human life.
Until recently, a woman’s body was considered a dangerous temptation and her desires sinful and separate from God, when a woman’s body is the blueprint for the tree of life, desire is the spark of creation, and feminine sexuality has always been the nectar that awakens masculine consciousness into the dance of love.
As women awakening on the path of love we each have a powerful invitation to unravel these distortions and reclaim the sacredness of our flesh, our desires, our sexuality, our totality, our power to birth and sustain life, our rare and exquisite medicine, and our role in uniting the feminine with the masculine and realizing Heaven here on Earth."